Choosing your pool pump is not just a matter of picking out the right size for the water capacity of the pool. Although this is important you want to know what your chosen pool pump is capable of and exactly what you are getting in return for the money that you are paying for it. If you have a pool that is under 40,800 L, then a good pump to consider would be the Davey Silensor SLS 200 Pool Pump.
What Does the Davey Silensor SLS 200 Pool Pump Have That You Want and Need?
If you are going to invest in something as important as a pool pump then you need to know that you can rely on the brand. Davey is the manufacturer of this pump and they are highly recognised in this industry. You don’t have the same worries when you purchase a well-known brand like you do if you decide to go with a generic pool pump.
How much water your pool contains and the size of the piping that the water circulates through is what determines the size of the pump you need. Davey has taken the guesswork out of this for by telling you exactly what amount of water this pump is capable of moving. The 340L/min capabilities is more than enough for a water capacity of up to 40,800. The lift of the pump indicates the amount of force this pump produces behind the water. With this information you now know that provided you have pool with this water capacity that the Davey Silensor SLS 200 Pool Pump has all the capabilities of handling it.
The purpose of your pool pump is to keep your water circulating so it cannot become stagnant. Still water soon becomes unfit for swimming. It also helps the filtration system of your pool do its job for removing debris and keeping the water clean. These are two very important components of being able to have a healthy and pristine swimming pool.
Durability and Longevity
Two other important components that you need to look for in a pool pump is how durable is it and how long will it last. There are two factors that determine this.
For durability it comes down to the quality and design of the components that are used in the pump. For the Davey Silensor SLS 200 Pool Pump you can count on the components that are made with modern technology plastics that allow it to function with no hassles.
In regards to longevity you will be enjoying the thermal protection system that is built into is as well as its unique seal protection. Both of these as well as many other features ensure the longevity of this pump.
In addition to all of the components that this pump has for operation it also has some great built in features for convenience. One of the most impressive is the silencer which means this pump is ultra quiet during its operation. No more annoying pump noises to deal with as a pool owner. Then the other big convenience is how easy this pump is to install, and connect to the pool cleaning system. You can easily do it yourself so there is no need to bring in a professional. Plus, its lightweight features and size allow for the easy handling of the pump. This is a SLS model pump so it gives you the extra convenience of having an easy to see through and removable screening for handling trapped debris.
Customer Reviews
"Dear 4 Pumps,
I purchased a pump off you mid Feb. Just wanted you to know best value for dollar ever. The little pump is working very hard in a factory pumping liquid with about 20% solids and hasn't missed a beat. Great pumps, thanks."
Stephen - Tasmania
"I have already recommended to you to two other locals up here with wells similar to mine about your pump and how well it was working."
Jim - Girraween
"I picked it up and its going exceptionally well, very good pump."
Evan - Ilbilbie